Holiday Reading (2024)
The year 2024 is drawing to a close, and it’s an understatement to say that the Company Canada team is very happy with its results! With the release of Honouring Bravery, our Ontario chapter,…
The Canadian’s armoured divisions in Italy
The Italian campaign was one of the biggest Canadian campaigns of the Second World War and, for the armoured regiments, it was the first opportunity to put years of training in Britain to the…
Tommy Prince – Sergeant for the First Special Service Force
Tommy Prince is Canada’s most decorated Indigenous Veteran with impressive service in Europe and Asia during the Second World War and the Korean War. Now celebrated across the country, it was a long time…
The Story of Gérard Pelletier (1919-1943)
In November 2022, Catherine Dion-Gagnon and her mother Louise travelled to Italy to visit the resting place of their uncle Gérard Pelletier. Enlisted in the Canadian forces at the start of the Second World…
Cynthia Oakley, C.W.A.C.
A native of Toronto, Cynthia Oakley joined the Canadian Women’s Army Corps during the Second World War and paved the way for more women in the military.