Holiday Reading (2024)
The year 2024 is drawing to a close, and it’s an understatement to say that the Company Canada team is very happy with its results! With the release of Honouring Bravery, our Ontario chapter,…
Holiday Reading (2023)
The end of the year means a new vacation! And a new vacation also means a new list of our recommendations for passing the time over the vacations!
Call of Duty: A portrayal of U.S. interventions in the Middle East
The Call of Duty video game franchise has become an iconic part of popular culture. However, with its use of historical periods and conflicts as backdrops, these games have spread ideas that need to…
Holiday Reading (2021)
The JMS team is back this year with a new series of book and TV series suggestions for the holiday season!
Jennie Carignan – A Military Woman of Many Accomplishments
A woman of passion and perseverance, Jennie Carignan is a major figure in the Canadian Armed Forces.