Timeline: Understanding the October Crisis

Activities you might also like

The activities in the Our Soldiers in the Streets module can be used individually, or in sequence. The sequential approach will allow students to explore this fascinating subject, while leaving ample room for their curiosity and their desire to deepen their knowledge.

If the teacher wishes to use the four activities together, we suggest the following progression:

  1. Timeline: Understanding the October Crisis
  2. Analyzing and Interpreting Sources
  3. War Measures Act Debate
  4. Letter to a Loved One

And of course, don’t forget to visit our virtual exhibition on the October Crisis, which you can find right here!

Description of the Activity

In this activity, students will be asked to place various events related to the October Crisis in order, and to associate an archival photo or video with each event. The student guides can be printed and students can cut out the photos and paste them on the support of their choice. It is also possible to share the digital folder of images and videos with the students working with a digital medium.

This activity also contains an open-ended question that can be used as preparation for the provincial exam.

Replica Uniforms

Get the chance to interact with our replica uniforms from the Great War. We lend both the soldier’s and the nurse’s uniform so that students can picture how people dressed during wartime. The uniforms offer a small insight into the daily lives of the ordinary people who participated in this unprecedented event.

Introduction to the Great War

An introduction to the events that led to the outbreak of WWI. Students will fill in maps and a timeline.

Renegotiate the Treaty of Versailles

This historical role playing game lets the students come to their own conclusions about the end of the First World War, while showing how contradicting hopes and expectations contributed to the formulation of this controversial document.